Base Builder's Eyes - How to Analyze a War Base
Published: November 24, 2015
1. What is the base targetting? What are the Requirements of it?
What is the target market of the base design? Before you even start to criticize the base, or compare it to the most updated 'best base ever' in your mind, keep this question in mind because the fact that there is a difference between an 3 Star normal clan, an Elite Clan, and a Top 1% Clan. Judging a base with the standards of the given base compared to the top 1% of the clan, of course there will be aspects, concepts and building strategies that would be missing which those 1% deem crucial.
Now with the details of whether or not it's made for the Elite Wars, or a normal 3 Star wars, you also need to tell the difference from what's needed and the attacker type. For example if you are a TH9 and half your clan/enemy is TH10, protecting against first attack would be more important. Another example is if you are ranked #3 as a TH9 but you are in a TH8 clan, so probably an 'anti-3 star' type of base is not suited for you. A bases quality will be judge up to the highest standards, but remember who built it and where did it originate from. The base might not be good at all compared to the top Elite bases, but it's because their exposure and building technique is behind as well as their clan as a whole. |
2. Does the base follow the current ideas/concepts?
Now that you know what is the base targeting, please keep in mind whether or not to put on the "Top 1% Elite Goggles" to view a base. Now with this in mind, now you should be able to view if the base meets the criterias as well as the fact if it follows the concepts and 'checklist' of which base designs are. Using my 'Rules and Guidelines List' and the 'TH9 Concept' page if it's an anti-3 star base, think thoroughly and see if the base follows at least 80% of the rules that are deemed 'mandatory' and 'recommended'. The amount of concepts and checklist which are followed allows the base to be up to standards.
3. Groups, Territories, and Sections, Examine the Base.
Now when it comes to a base, it's just just "throwing everything into a base and it'll work', you need to know the balance between areas, traps, coverages. The main points are the Queen Area, Main Kill Zones, and Secondary Kill Zones of the base. The guide I've made is more of a teaching of insight where you specifically look at just that area of a base, and if it works or not. A group needs to have trap coverage, and a territory needs to have a purpose to defend against something.
4. Scenario Functioning: How the Base Functions against Different Attacks
The concepts and ideas form the core, the groups/territories/sections form the base, and the traps makes it unique. The base has it's own balance and with this balance you need to put it up against 'scenario' attacks in your mind when it comes to the base. For example, if you look at the base and see a lavaloon attack from the East side, how well will this east side survive? Now if this East side got killed, what is left on the West side? Or the fact that you need to consider the hybrid combinations of which defenses from all directions.
KARA Base Talk - Monica
Using the Base Builder's Eye, here is a (super) in-depth view of how to analyze a base and it's qualities. Please note the fact that it might seem like it's alot of work, but usually it'll take about 10 minutes of discussion with a peer in order to reach the same deal of Analyzing.