Divisions and Stages of TH9 War Bases
This is a self made "timeline/legend" for which you can 'label' and plot out where and to what extend a base is currently at for TH9 when it comes to war. Most of these stages are subjective and could happen at the same time, could skip some points, but generally I do feel like this is the stages of which base builders have to go through in order to perfect the craft of developing a 'strong' war base. Some people advance further in some locations, but lack the skill in one. For example, a person might know how to make their clan castle unlurable, but haven't learn how to path double giant bomb.
Using these divisions and stages as a 'timeline' you can probably assess where your clan mates are at when it comes to base building and provide the next steps towards making a better base. You cannot skip too many steps for example, teaching a person how to build an anti-lavaloon base while they still haven't grasp how to properly set up double giant bombs or sectioning the base properly. Need to take each steps of the process into the account and be within a comfortable range of base building. This provides alittle history lesson in base make, so enjoy hehe.
Note: Even though some bases might be at different stages compared to another, that DOES NOT mean that the base is "not well made" or "bad". It's just that the target audience/the mentality of how the base was directed towards is at different stages and or a new 'era' has made it so the previously good base, turn bad. The once strong Baconmaker soon got phased out because of the introduction of Holowiwi. The now strong anti-3 star bases, are getting pounced on by the CB/Shattered Lavaloon. It's just the new cycle of development between Base builders and base attackers. A Base that is at Divison A, might just be a Trophy Base for example. Another example is that a person ranked #2 in his clan, NEEDS an anti-2 star base due to the fact that they are so highly ranked at the top, and most likely isn't going to be needing an Anti-3 star base until 1/4 their clan is TH9. So the base progression really depends on the situation.
Most of the time, there are only a few good base builders that know what they are doing, and even fewer amount of base builder are will to share their secret. There are so many guides on how to attack which attacking has progressed more leaps and bounds compared to the base builders who are scattered about. Hopefully with this Legend, people will be able to assess what their base are lacking and or where in the offense they are going to go forward with next.
Using these divisions and stages as a 'timeline' you can probably assess where your clan mates are at when it comes to base building and provide the next steps towards making a better base. You cannot skip too many steps for example, teaching a person how to build an anti-lavaloon base while they still haven't grasp how to properly set up double giant bombs or sectioning the base properly. Need to take each steps of the process into the account and be within a comfortable range of base building. This provides alittle history lesson in base make, so enjoy hehe.
Note: Even though some bases might be at different stages compared to another, that DOES NOT mean that the base is "not well made" or "bad". It's just that the target audience/the mentality of how the base was directed towards is at different stages and or a new 'era' has made it so the previously good base, turn bad. The once strong Baconmaker soon got phased out because of the introduction of Holowiwi. The now strong anti-3 star bases, are getting pounced on by the CB/Shattered Lavaloon. It's just the new cycle of development between Base builders and base attackers. A Base that is at Divison A, might just be a Trophy Base for example. Another example is that a person ranked #2 in his clan, NEEDS an anti-2 star base due to the fact that they are so highly ranked at the top, and most likely isn't going to be needing an Anti-3 star base until 1/4 their clan is TH9. So the base progression really depends on the situation.
Most of the time, there are only a few good base builders that know what they are doing, and even fewer amount of base builder are will to share their secret. There are so many guides on how to attack which attacking has progressed more leaps and bounds compared to the base builders who are scattered about. Hopefully with this Legend, people will be able to assess what their base are lacking and or where in the offense they are going to go forward with next.
Stage 1 / Symmetrical and Balanced
Stage 2 / Clan Castle Vs Town Hall Conflict
Stage 3 / Shift In Mentality + Centralized Clan Castle
Stage 4 / Transitioning to Asymmetrical Base
Stage 5 / 4 Tile Core
Stage 6 / Sectioning
Stage 7 / Section Emphasis
Stage 8 / Anti Air Adjustments
Stage 9 / The Surgical, and the Queen
Stage 10/ Defending the First attack
Division D - TH11 ERA
Stage 11 -
Division A - Balanced Base Design, Trophy Era
Division A - Stage 1 / Symmetrical and Balanced
This comes from the experience of buildings farm bases, copying other people's designs and having that mentality of "Town Hall = stars," and giving out stars is bad. It's based on the concept of Trophy bases which try to prevent any stars from being given. With this drilled into the minds of members, they start to make the bases centralizing the Town Hall, and expanding outwards to protect the Town Hall. Naturally, also due to the fact that there are 4 of everything, most bases are either trying to create a triangle shape, 4 prong, or make things circular revolving around the Town Hall. After applying most logic of placing things like xbows and ADs at the correct 'coverage' most bases would be completely done and symmetrical. This is a good stage to start from, and learn all the basics. Mostly those in this stage haven't truly figured out the difference between Trophy bases and War Bases though. Not a TH9 Base, but it's the most well known TH8 base that illustrates the points I try to claim. Revolves around the Town Hall > defense coverage > Clan Castle > Traps. I will explain the "anti-hog" ring later on.
When it comes to attacking bases that are targetted for trophy bases, they are meant to tank any ground Gowixx type of frontal attack. That being said, this base lacks protection from hogs and loons due everything focusing on the covering the Town Hall. Taking it apart section by section using hogs and loons is the simplest plan. So Hogs, Gowixx+ back end hogs/loons can work. Main theme: Hogs, Funnel, Back End troops
It's too focused on the Town Hall, and trophy base idea about having the DPS coverage circling around the Town Hall, it makes it so the knowledge and placement of double giant bombs, traps extremely restricted to after placing the buildings. It focuses on the priority of Town Hall > Air Defense/Mortar > Clan Castle > Trap, therefore double giant bomb concept against hogs are virtually thrown as an after though. There might still be some opened sections with spring trap 'funneling' concept still lingering into this base design. Main Theme: Balanced, Town Hall, Coverage Base Building At this stage, there is nothing possible to do or teach but to experience war at first hand. Need to start being able to shift mentality of getting out of the trophy base idea, and move away from the town hall. Mortars are within the core. The town hall is taking too much space and priority in the critical center, even if you learn how to put double giant bombs, it would be placed at a disadvantage location on the [20 Grid] due to the Town hall + wall taking up 6/20 tiles. At this stage, most of what is learned is all the basic fundamentals that all clashers should know by now. Main Theme: Fundamentals, coverage, base design. |
Division A - Stage 2 / Clan Castle vs Town Hall Conflict
After being in a couple of wars, most people would start to tell you "always lure clan castle troops, they are trouble," and the base has alot of holes to them and places where enemies can easily lure out the clan castle troops with a giant. The base tries to give more priority to clan castle but still wants to keep the Town Hall protected, so it leads up to a Triangular shaped type of base where DPS is more heavily at the top, while loose defenses are trying to protect the radius of the clan castle at the bottom. At this stage, it's more experimental where bases try to cover other parts of the base like clan castle where they are starting to give some hint of importance on. The base design might not be ideal as it's trying to experiment with the new concept of clan castle radius without jeopardizing the Town Hall theme. Some people push point defenses out, some people think using teslas all on one side would work, as well as some people test out southern teaser base. Note: this probably isn't the best example, but it illustrates the cannon being pushed concept. Will probably change this image later.
An example of a base that tries to prioritize both Clan castle and Town Hall. The cannons at the south and the cannon on the sides are made so that the clan castle is 'harder to lure. Also this person is beginning to learn how to create double giant bomb areas. Known Bases at this stage: Southern Teasers/Triangular War bases originate from this concept of prioritizing both the Town Hall and the Clan Castle.
Most of those that try triangular/southern teaser quickly move to the next stage, because this stage has too many problems. Hence the reason why there aren't many popular well known Southern Teaser War Bases (other than TH10). For example if you look at this image with the centralized Town hall AND clan castle, there is a conflict between the Xbows/dps in the center and the double giant bomb pathing. Even though the person has learned how to set up a double giant bomb, they haven't grasp the hog AI for pathing yet.
The base is alittle more thinking is required compared to before, but the mix between trying to prioritizing both Town Hall and Clan Castle, allows there to be exploitable buildings. Clan castle luring is still easy, attacking the base with hogs and other variations of mixed attacks will still work. Exploiting bases like these are alittle more tricky but it teaches how to lure, and how to change the line up. Main Themes: Luring, hybrid armies, scouting.
Although more tricky, the base focuses on protecting both side of the coin, the Town Hall usually located at the top, and Clan Castle, located at the bottom. Since the Town Hall takes more space than the Clan Castle (in terms of volume, 4 tiles), they make the defense buildings more condensed at the top, and wider at the bottom, hence Southern Teaser/Triangular types of bases. Main Themes: Clan Castle Radius, coverage. A page I made to explain the mechanics of clan castles. Currently building onto it.
Base Building
Although I recommend trying to learn how to do double giant bombs set up on the secondary layer of the grid, the fact that the base still revolves around the Town Hall gives conflict towards setting up a double giant bomb with good pathing. Those at this stage, still haven't developed a sense of 'hog pathing' yet, as everything curves around the Town Hall. There here is when most people realize that centralizing mortar doesn't do anything in the war at all and start to move the mortars away. This is where I would strongly recommend any beginner war base designers to start at and absorb the common knowledge war design such as double giant bomb placement, troop pathing, and Clan Castle Coverage. Don't need to get to the complex base building just yet, but getting a solid foundation and outlook of why trophy bases, and bases at Stage 1 don't work is the key. Main Themes: Building radius, trap importance, recognition.
This is where majority of community are at (termed, 2 star clan). Most of the bases are
Division A - Stage 3 / Shift in Mentality + Centralizing Clan Castle
Due to the fact that hogs were the most prevalent and over powered troop combination at this time, people started to create bases with a circular ring as well as being having unlurable clan castle. People shifted from looking at "how to protect the town hall" to now "how to stop the hogs." The mentality of protecting the Town Hall crumbled alittle, and now trying to make clan castle unlurable, or using double giant bombs to separate sections. At this stage, most are almost perfecting the craft of making the compact or wide bases for war. They are almost like trophy base in appearance BUT, the coverage of defense, cc radius, and trap placement have been more well thought out. Known Bases at this Stage:
This is where majority of base design users of the 2 star clans (so about 90% of the population), are currently at. There are two types of bases that prevailed in this Era, the Compact Base, and the Wide Bases. Compact Base head down the path of stopping hogs with double giant bomb, and less focused on clan castle. They focused on stopping attacks in the middle of it's tracks as they take over one side of the base.
Wide Bases are characterized with the moat of storages separating the core from the point defenses. Made to form a ring around the base against hogs, it quickly died down due to Holowiwi.
This is where all the action takes place, and where those that are at war constantly learn the attacks. Most attackers will only resort to Gowiwi/Gowipe these types of base if they have no clue, but if you want to learn how to properly attack these bases then you got to learn the main stuff: Holowiwi, Hogs/Goho, Back end Hogs/Loons, and THEN touch Penta lavaloon. This is my opinion but AFTER learning the other main attacks at this stage before I suggest learning/touching Lavaloon. Basic skills into identifying how to scout the weak bases is a requirement and skill learned from funneling, hog pathing and basic back end loon/hogging. Penta-lavaloon with a wall of loons is no different that a frontal air gowipe that drops and prays. You need to have the mindset of scouting a base (built from experimenting with different troops and hogs) before you lavaloon. Lavaloon is like gowipe. It's a powerful attack but it can only get you so far, and it doesn't promote growth in terms of scouting compared to hybrids + hogs. Only after learning the skills of scouting you would be able to see and have the tools to look at a base and say "I can easily hog that with my eyes closed," rather than "4 ADs in a square? Let's try lavalooning it". Learn to use all arsenal, rather than blindly perfecting one. Main Theme: Holowiwi, Learning Troop Pathing, Perfecting Hybrids (golem + ho-lo-wi troops.)
Here is where there is a split and start of the heavily hardcore/base builders for war battle against the smart attackers. Due to how overpowered Hogs were when their AI were changed, base designs branched out into two types of bases. The Compact bases, focused on using double giant bombs to stop the hogs in the middle of it's track at the cost of half the base, and Wide Bases, bases with the ring and moats in order to stop hogs from entering the core Wide bases focused on the Hog rings while making clan castle untouchable, while Compact bases make it so they strengthen two ends of their bases while separating them. Compact bases outlived the Wide Bases as they offer better protect against 2 star attacks as well as people are far too few hog users due to being scared/in-experienced with dealing with double giant bombs. Main Theme: Hog ring (dead), double giant bomb against hogs, clan castle lure, optal |
Base Building
At this stage, you should realize the importance of things such as centralizing clan castle, double giant bombs against hogs and other things more important than the Town Hall. Those at this stage can build strong cores and then branch out to create stronger sections but hits a bottleneck due to how much the core takes over the base. Most people try to stay within this section as the importance of Town Hall and making it anti-2 star is too ingrained into them.
Main theme: Countering Hogs/Loons, 2 star bases, anti-gowipe |
Division A - Stage 4 /Transitioning to Asymmetrical Base
This is the most unstable stage for when those that have done the typical symmetrical bases, try to branch out and test out making asymmetrical bases. At this stage, it really puts the knowledge of double giant bomb, section compartments, defensive build coverage and wall usages to the test. Most know by now that 2 star attacks aren't really going to be scary, but it's those 3 star attacks by hogs and loons are the most concerning ones. This stage just just the first step towards Division B, where those that want to make it to the 'elite' level. A fellow base builder whom is trying out to create asymmetrical base.
Offense: Now bases are starting to get weird in shape, but they aren't really at the stage where it's considered to be well made. The once symmetrical bases make it easy to go straight across now has a wonking movement to it, but it just means you can take advantage of what these asymmetrical bases don't have compared to symmetrical base, which is a solid foundation. There will be parts and pieces to the base where you notice that aren't really the best possible places to put the buildings/walls so it makes it easier to beat. At stage 4, this is where those that have a straight forward textbook attack, have to learn how to
Main theme: Hog pathing, base analyzing, sectioning, hybrid Defense: at this stage, bases are still having Town Halls near the center, but now start to prioritizing the Clan Castle over the Town Hall. The usage of walls might be wasting alot due to the fact that asymmetrical bases are not developed into the minds yet, but through looking at other base designs, and trying to come up with better double giant bombs, the aysmmetrical shape will transform. Instead of just protecting left and right in a triangular base, or all four sides/corners equally, the different focus of different section makes it more difficult for the enemy to go forward in a straight line.
Main Theme: Off-center, confusing, sectioning Base Building:
Main theme: Experience, changing, hardcore war |
Division B - Beginning of Anti-3 Star Territory
Now congratulations, you have now advanced into anti-3 star/ meta-base territory where keeping up and defending against the trend is important. The base that is being designed now will no longer try to protect the Town Hall as the goal and the mentality of "Protect the Town Hall" will now evolve into a "protect your base" type of thinking. At this stage is where most elite and hardcore war clans require you to have the minimum when it comes to
This is where I started my first my first adventures and attempts to create an anti-3 star bases, where my [Metaki Series] starts from.
This is where I started my first my first adventures and attempts to create an anti-3 star bases, where my [Metaki Series] starts from.
Division B -Stage 5 / 4 Tile Core
Starting from the beginning, you still realize that Clan castle being in the center is important, but now you have lost the mentality of giving the town hall any respect. Starting with Clan Castle at the center, you know that xbows and ADs are the beginning stages and begin to circle around the clan castle design. You pick up techniques of putting the Double Giant bomb between these areas are actually beneficial so you incorporate this idea into your base. Also by now you should have in mind how Holowiwi breaks down those with too tucked in Air defense so you make it balanced around the base. Now it's all about personal taste on how to make the outside wizard/arch/cannons suit your Air defense/Xbow/Queen placement.
Metaki Series #1 My first Metaki Series, where I learn how to path hogs, set double giant bomb, as well as create better sections. It still hasn't grasp the concept of the new attacks such as Lavaloon yet, so it's more vulnerable to the newer trends.
There still will be some bases that are exploitable by hogs and attacks. Hybrid armies, learning how to Golem+Heroes or true in-depth base analysis is required for Main Themes: Goho, Lavaloon, Golem+Heros, elite war clan There isn't really a single video dedicated to just heroes and golem talking as they are mostly a sub section of attacking. Please send me a PM if you have just this. :)
Main Themes: Unlurable, 4 tile ratio, xbow/AD/DGB Base Building
Now those on this stage have already 'graduated' from Division A, they know start to first center the Clan Castle, and start to building section from that centralized building. Afterwards double giant bombs, as well as position of Air Defense to cover the base around is important. Main Theme: Centralized Clan Castle, Unlurable, troop AI pathing At this stage, you should be absorbing alot of different information with regards to building a Town Hall 9 war base. You should be able to understand my "Characteristics of TH9 War Bases." page.
Division B - Stage 6 / Sectioning
The bases at this stage gets the hang of accommodating the AD, Xbow and Queen locations as well as perfecting the sections outside of the area.. Most of what the bases in this section do is try to emphasis or strength specific
areas to take advantage of the current meta's The wall usage and waste has now sharply decline in wasteful areas and you learned how to close off your section better. The random sections that used too much walls, or the section that was too big now have a better balance. Extra note: This is for a minority of base builders who start to learn how to path hogs. Some discover the fact that placing some point defenses at certain locations can actually be bad and hogs will trigger at the wrong time. You start to learn how to shift point defenses maybe an extra 1-2 tiles away and it fixes the problem. |
Base Building:
This stage is almost similar to Stage 4, but now, you aren't restricted by the town hall, making a core, or trying revolving around the center. The Clan Castle is most likely centralized and double giant bombs are set within the base. What's next is improvement on creating better outer sections outside of the corner section around the double giant bomb and as well as X-bows. |
Division B -Stage 7 / Section Emphasis
My Metaki Series #3, one of my more successful bases.
Now that you have mastered most aspects of base designing, you start to play around with how to make the base's proportions and shifts in focus to deal with certain types of a troops on different sides.
After developing and learning about creating sections properly, exploring more development towards Queen protects, and as well as hog pathing towards the double giant bombs. |
This is where about 5-8% of the population (estimate ) for those that want to become elite/hardcore/3 star clans build towards, and stay around. This is where everyone mostly stops at for meta-bases, as they are trying to perfect sectioning off areas. Most people now try to creation different combinations or try to emphasis a better control within some sections (mostly just the queen), and try to make it so that their bases
Now you are at the point where your meta base works really well, but the 'new' attack strategy of CB/Shattered Lavaloon are the new ways of dealing with these anti-3 star bases. Your Queen always gets targetted and your 4th AD always gets crushed.
Now you are at the point where your meta base works really well, but the 'new' attack strategy of CB/Shattered Lavaloon are the new ways of dealing with these anti-3 star bases. Your Queen always gets targetted and your 4th AD always gets crushed.
Division C - Section Offense, Section Defense
During this stage, pre-air sweeper update, most Anti-3 Star bases were designed to stop Lavaloons from attacking due to the sheer ability it has to overcome base designs easily. As the updates came, surgical hogs became more popular.Things got more complex when the second air sweeper as well as dark spells got introduced. With Queen Walk being available due to the healers being unable to be reachable by Air Defense, it put a harder pressure on base designing.
Stage 8 / Anti-Air Adjustment
With the introduction of the Air Sweeper though, Lavaloon attacks aren't as strong as before, and needs to learn how to take into consideration the position of the Air Sweeper. Although Lavaloons are still useable, most clans start to develop their Surgical Hogs due to it's better practical predictability of attacking defense.
Offense: Clockwork Lavaloon, Surgical Hogs
Defense/Base Building: Keyterms: Air Sweeper, double seekings mines, double wizard tower. |
Stage 9 / The Surgical and The Queen
With the development of the Dark Spells, two Air Sweeper, Healer untargetable by Seeking, the stage is set for when it comes to base builders and attackers are more defined by Heroes and Hogs more than ever. With Quake spell, most importantly poison spell which crippled Clan Castle, it made base building that used to be about preventing the loons, to now preventing the movements or pathing the troops.
Offense: Poison spell, Queen Walking, Surgical Hogs, Hero Seperating
Base Building: Breaking the mold, inner Tesla/cannon/BK DPS, Spring Trap Between outer and secondary Defense, Queen Island, Outer Xbow
Stage 10 / Defending First Attack
Empty Core Style of Building (source: Onehive War #270, Timestamp: 19;08)
With the advancement of base attacking, base designs are two steps behind when it comes to attack strategies. There are many attack strategies such as Queen Walk, 'MAX Attack'/Quad Quake, Lightning AD/Queen, which makes designs of TH9 base building difficult to defend against. With this introduction, base design needed some better elements of defending against 'First Attacks' since the fact that a second attack would almost certainly be a 3 star. There is a 'pandemic' of 'bunnies' which I'm not going to talk about, unless you look into it in the forums, with this in mind, base designs have to really force the enemies to really think of their approach.
The latest approaches against offense is the development of Bases such as Tesla Farms which is 4 teslas really close together, which makes it difficult to hog due to the fact that Teslas out DPS the heals, and the small surgical hog army. Empty Core style which are made to separate the base to even more harder 'sections' so that heroes cannot support hogs, or vise versa. Offense: Queen Walk, Quad-Quake, Surgical Hogs, Double dragon vs Offset Queen, Lightning Spell on Queen+AD.
Base Building: Tesla Farm (quad-Tesla), Spring traps between defenses, Empty core style
Division D - TH11 Era
With the December 2015 updates of TH11, the TH9 which was the balancing point of the "sweet spot" for war, has now shifted. The TH10 might be the next step to where war scenes will develop.