Metaki Series #3
Features (Version 1.1):
-Same criterias covered by Metaki Series #1 (CC unlureable, Queen Kill protection, Holo protection, Storage locations, etc).
-three double giant bomb locations that the hog pathing will flow into (current ones, and the one where the mortar and AD are at the top).
-Town Hall is protected by 3 ADs
-Queen is sorta protected by the King as well as specific defense placements to make it harder to queen kill
-the multiple sections and compartments of the base makes it really tough to crack.
- Not 2 starrable by weaker attackers
- a better balance in creating a chaotic flow for the enemy attacker compared to Series #1
-Alittle more holo-able
- Right side has 5 Defenses that can be gobbled by hogs (but it's protected abit by the Xbow so it's alittle better)
-Possible to Lure from the Left side Mortar, as we as the Archer Tower above that could go to the Wizard Tower
-Queen in the core can wreck this base alot if not taken out soon.
Fixes from previous version: (1.0)
-adjusted the storage locations to make the wizards side track more easily on the top left side (paired with the builders hut).
-readjusted the walls so that the inner side beside the dark elixir will make it harder to penetrate.
-Same criterias covered by Metaki Series #1 (CC unlureable, Queen Kill protection, Holo protection, Storage locations, etc).
-three double giant bomb locations that the hog pathing will flow into (current ones, and the one where the mortar and AD are at the top).
-Town Hall is protected by 3 ADs
-Queen is sorta protected by the King as well as specific defense placements to make it harder to queen kill
-the multiple sections and compartments of the base makes it really tough to crack.
- Not 2 starrable by weaker attackers
- a better balance in creating a chaotic flow for the enemy attacker compared to Series #1
-Alittle more holo-able
- Right side has 5 Defenses that can be gobbled by hogs (but it's protected abit by the Xbow so it's alittle better)
-Possible to Lure from the Left side Mortar, as we as the Archer Tower above that could go to the Wizard Tower
-Queen in the core can wreck this base alot if not taken out soon.
Fixes from previous version: (1.0)
-adjusted the storage locations to make the wizards side track more easily on the top left side (paired with the builders hut).
-readjusted the walls so that the inner side beside the dark elixir will make it harder to penetrate.
CC Luring (Version 1.0)
Orange indicate where the potential areas of Lures can come from, there are traps to stop them from advance though.
It follows the similar pattern as Metaki Series #1 where everything is parallel and paired together, making it harder to lure. There is a spring trap between each pair to skim down the hogs even further.
It follows the similar pattern as Metaki Series #1 where everything is parallel and paired together, making it harder to lure. There is a spring trap between each pair to skim down the hogs even further.
Hog Pathing (Version 1.0)
In this image you can see the white represents the 'hog pathing' of which hogs will follow as well as I highlighted with orange where the sections are when it comes to each section by section. As you can see the location of the double giant bomb literally gives a clear divide where the sections meet you as well as the fact that there is the bottom double giant bomb location that could be technically used. The good thing about this layout is that hogs will have to be going sideways, outwards, inwards, as well as far travel in order to reach other sections.
Queen Killing (Version 1.1 and 1.0)
Pretty straight forward, there are two locations which base suit for the Queen Killing. No matter which one is picked they will be stuck within a section and be bombarded by outer defenses. The King is in position between both areas, as well as the fact that if you suspect they will most likely Queen Kill from the #2, then allocating the two Double Giant bombs in the section with the Queen before hand can really mess up the enemy's attack. Another good thing about the queen's location is that it's really deep within the section. The enemy must enter the base in order to damage her, but by the time they enter the base, they won't actually drag the queen into their sections, more like taking 2 steps away from her platform. A jump spell will be needed in order to beat the queen.
Loon Pathing (version 1.1 and 1.0)
Now with Loon pathing. The best quality i find with my base is that it's wide as hell and it takes a while to reach individual defenses. For example if you look at the bottom left section. You can see that even if they managed to use loons on the ArcherTower and the Cannon (1), both these loons will start to bunch up at the tesla (2), then re-direct their attention towards that mortar (3) and be completed bunched up (and in range of wizard tower), then have to travel yet again to the AD where they are needed. This Zig zag motion is what I am striving for as well as it taking a long time for it to travel. The loons will be getting bombarded with AD's hits if not, it'll seperate the Loons from the Lava.
Now let's look at an individual group of loons. The Pink lines indicate which path that the loons would have to follow after they had killed the Air Defense. As you can see, it's really a looong journey as well as provided the fact that the loons will be vunerable to being picked off. To save them, the attacks will need to use spells, but this this is where things get complicated..
Spell Placement Pressure
If I put it in terms of sectioning, this actually puts a great deal of pressure for the defense targeting troops to move faster/be protected by the spells. If you look at this image, you can see that even just at the bottom location, there are about 4 different sections (which I labeled), and the inner core sections (Orange Squares). Most people would want to protect their troops during the outside core section, but because of the fact that my base is so wide, they'll have to insert a spell in-between in order to keep their troops moving. The White Line shows the direction of which they'll need to use a spell for. But as you can see, since it's so wide, The spell will not be able to cover all sections.
Side/Back End Looning/Hogging (Holowiwi style)
North East Side
Now we get to the interesting part which is the side looning/holo-ing. Not going to explain hogs because it's pretty obvious. (from the spring traps). As you can see, most people will use 2 loons per defense exchange in order to get the outside defenses out of the way. Now strictly talking about the North East side, The Wizard Tower is protecting that individual Archer Tower on the top left, as well as the teslas (and maybe that AD behind it). The cannon is more closer to the bottom AD as well as the fact that it also is in range of the tesla. The moment they drop the two loons, a seeking air mine will kill one, (dropping it down to a 3 loon), the loon behind the group of loons will no longer be threatened since the travel time and drop time cannot allow the second loon to drop the bomb and suicide. The second group will have it better off, but it's RNGed by how the air skele will target which first. But in this scenerio, the Tesla will be completely fine, so is the Wizard Tower, and there is a high chance that either the cannon or the Archer Tower, one will survive. Now for the bottom right where the Archer Tower and Mortar is. The mortar is only being protected by the AD so it'll go down for sure, but if you look at the radius of the AD, it overlaps the Archer Tower at the bottom, meaning one loon will be killed before it reaches the Archer Tower and the chance of the second loon drop down is lowered as well since the Xbow is covering it. |
South East Side
This side is alittle weaker due to the fact that there isn't the best trap placement, and the Air Defense is alittle far away. If 4 loons went towards these, most likely they will kill both the cannon and the archer tower, but since the air mine is behind, it will hit one group of loons for sure, resulting in at least 30% hp left. At that point the tesla can protect itself, along with the backup of the wizard tower and the AD that's in the distance. The survival of the Tesla is almost guarenteed, along with the wizard tower. |
Older Versions:
Version 1.0 Testing Phase