When Should you start Searching in War?
Edited: January 1,2015.
Welcome to where I discuss when should a Clan start a clan war search and hit that button. If the Clan war isn't back to back, sometimes timing your search based on when your members are active might be more beneficial towards having a better clan war. Give some times towards knowing when most your members attack, it gives a better chance of coordinating the Clean up. A clan war consist of Battle Phase and and clean up phase (a guide on that later), giving some more time to clean up, might change the outcome of the war in the end. You don't want your clan to sleep in a 100-80 score, thinking you already won, but then waking up to a 100-108 score, then scrabbling to get the last attacks in now do you? In this guide, it'll address some key points and notes I have collect from my clan, and present it to you. It might not apply to some clans since structure is different, strategy is different, and people who are available to attack are also different. You may either iron out your clan with a policy to attack within a time, or you may adapt using this guide, to adjust to what your clan needs of you.
[1000] Aki's Log
~~~[1001]RazeInfinity - Visual Log And Time Sheet
~~~[1002]Types of Members
[2000] Examples of Time
[3000]The Next Step
~~~[3001]Keep a Record
~~~[3002]Know When to Start
[4000] Metaki - Combining Types with Time of Attack
[5000] Conclusion
Welcome to where I discuss when should a Clan start a clan war search and hit that button. If the Clan war isn't back to back, sometimes timing your search based on when your members are active might be more beneficial towards having a better clan war. Give some times towards knowing when most your members attack, it gives a better chance of coordinating the Clean up. A clan war consist of Battle Phase and and clean up phase (a guide on that later), giving some more time to clean up, might change the outcome of the war in the end. You don't want your clan to sleep in a 100-80 score, thinking you already won, but then waking up to a 100-108 score, then scrabbling to get the last attacks in now do you? In this guide, it'll address some key points and notes I have collect from my clan, and present it to you. It might not apply to some clans since structure is different, strategy is different, and people who are available to attack are also different. You may either iron out your clan with a policy to attack within a time, or you may adapt using this guide, to adjust to what your clan needs of you.
[1000] Aki's Log
~~~[1001]RazeInfinity - Visual Log And Time Sheet
~~~[1002]Types of Members
[2000] Examples of Time
[3000]The Next Step
~~~[3001]Keep a Record
~~~[3002]Know When to Start
[4000] Metaki - Combining Types with Time of Attack
[5000] Conclusion
Aki's Log
Call it being too nerd for the game, but as a person who is passionate about clan wars, as the Clan War Specialist of my clan, I keep some detailed records and notes for when my clan when clan war begins. Even though our clan wars once per week, it's an intense war. Back on topic, for about 9 clan wars (up to this day, and forward), I have keep track of when my clan-mates used their attacks.. Keeping an eye for when people attack and when people are usually comfortable with attacking, gives a chance to see where the productive stars come from, and adjusting attacks when needed.
RazeInfinity - Visual Log and Time Sheet
Source/Link: http://razeinfinity.weebly.com/blog-of-war/akis-time-sheet-and-war-type-presentation
For more information on what I have done, please visit the link.
Here is a visual representation of our clan (RazeInfinity's) War attack log. I have colour coded each specific war with a specific colour. To understand the graph, the colours represent the War of which the attack was used in. If there is a colour, let's say Blue (which is War 33), and a number (let's say 3), it means that at that same time/hour, the attack use in War 33, and in War 31.
This graph is arranged in numerical order, and it shows some diversity and the strict schedules that some people tend to follow (explain later on). Majority of our clan lives in the North America Time Zone, while we do have members who live in other locations. Our wars start at 2pm EST consistently each week so the time is accurate.
Our clan does not restrict people to attack within a certain time frame., so we have a diverse amount of people attacking at different time.. Even though we don't restrict people to attack at a certain time, it's clearly evident that some people prefer to attack within a certain pattern (which I'll describe in the next section)
In this graph, you can see that I've indicated a [Red Hard Zone] for which describes the line where anyone below #30 (which our clan was half TH9, and half TH8s, and me #29 was still TH8 and about to go to TH9), should attack before that time. Anyone who attacked within the Hard Zone had difficulty picking off any remaining bases to clean up from. More on that in later on in this guide.
Our clan does not restrict people to attack within a certain time frame., so we have a diverse amount of people attacking at different time.. Even though we don't restrict people to attack at a certain time, it's clearly evident that some people prefer to attack within a certain pattern (which I'll describe in the next section)
In this graph, you can see that I've indicated a [Red Hard Zone] for which describes the line where anyone below #30 (which our clan was half TH9, and half TH8s, and me #29 was still TH8 and about to go to TH9), should attack before that time. Anyone who attacked within the Hard Zone had difficulty picking off any remaining bases to clean up from. More on that in later on in this guide.
Types Of Members
Here we have the "War Types" you could say when it comes to Warring. Re-organizing the members, you can see some people fall under certain categories. There are advantages and disadvantages when it comes to each type and no type is better than the other, and each play a different role at different times during the war.
There is the "First Attacker" Type, The "Middle Attacker" Type, the "Sniper" Type, The "Flexible" Type which consist of Early+Snipers and All Rounders. There is the Undefined area where I haven't gathered enough data on your attacks so I can really determine what's comfortable for you.
And here is the explanation of them:
First Attacker Type: Those that attack within the first 8 hours of war with both attacks. The Benefit of this is that these guys tend set the tone of the clan, clearing up all the easier bases from the beginning, and allowing the rest of the clan to focus more on the remaining bases. Those below 30 are especially benefit from being in this type as it gives less burden towards you getting stars. Negative side is that those in this area, tend to get things over with, but do not contribute towards the clean up, but it's these guys that set up the foundations of what we can clean up.
Middle Attackers Type: Those that attack between the first half or middle of the war (23-19hours). The attacks generally are less than 6h-8hrs apart from one another. The people within this category are either more confident and careful, or just have a time zone difference. Middle attackers know what they are doing, and generally are considered the standard balance between, attacking new bases, and cleaning up those that can be picked off. Middle attackers knows which opinions are left and adapt to the flow of the war more easily as they know which bases are available for access.
Snipers Type: Those that attack in the beginning roughly and have a 6-10 hours delay between their first and second attack. Another trait or qualification is that generally the last attack is part of the Clean up Phase, during the last 8 hoursremaining to 4 hours remaining of the War. Sniper Types usually are more cautious towards the war, sticking to the war and seeing how things turn out through the whole game. Snipers contribute the the last vital power push and is what determines the difference between the victor and the defeated. Those in Sniper have more pressure as bases gets finished off by each other, and/or there is a low chance of getting the stars. In my personal opinion, sniper class needs to be flexible (or powerful) and generally are those that require a certain amount of 'self-regulation' as they tend to be the ones to take the remaining burdens of the clan. I do not recommend those below and those who aren't as confident in getting 3 stars to be a sniper.
Flexible Type: Those are flexible type generally have their own schedules to adapt to the war, and can easily assimulate into any of the "types" above. They tend to be needed when required, and push the extra steps into the war and make up for any places that can be patched. With a great adaptability, those in the Flexible Type scout more often than not, and match the war to their personal comfort. Sometimes things get rough as the War flow changes, and adapting could be more difficult.
I am basing this on what the data I've collected and what I personally view the types. Being in First Attack sets the foundation of the clan, being in middle attacker molds the flow of the war, being the sniper shapes the frame and the end results of the war, and being a Flexible type gives a personal touch and work to areas that needs focusing on. We all use our attacks that suit our comfort area, and it really does reflex on when and how you use your attack.
And here is the explanation of them:
First Attacker Type: Those that attack within the first 8 hours of war with both attacks. The Benefit of this is that these guys tend set the tone of the clan, clearing up all the easier bases from the beginning, and allowing the rest of the clan to focus more on the remaining bases. Those below 30 are especially benefit from being in this type as it gives less burden towards you getting stars. Negative side is that those in this area, tend to get things over with, but do not contribute towards the clean up, but it's these guys that set up the foundations of what we can clean up.
Middle Attackers Type: Those that attack between the first half or middle of the war (23-19hours). The attacks generally are less than 6h-8hrs apart from one another. The people within this category are either more confident and careful, or just have a time zone difference. Middle attackers know what they are doing, and generally are considered the standard balance between, attacking new bases, and cleaning up those that can be picked off. Middle attackers knows which opinions are left and adapt to the flow of the war more easily as they know which bases are available for access.
Snipers Type: Those that attack in the beginning roughly and have a 6-10 hours delay between their first and second attack. Another trait or qualification is that generally the last attack is part of the Clean up Phase, during the last 8 hoursremaining to 4 hours remaining of the War. Sniper Types usually are more cautious towards the war, sticking to the war and seeing how things turn out through the whole game. Snipers contribute the the last vital power push and is what determines the difference between the victor and the defeated. Those in Sniper have more pressure as bases gets finished off by each other, and/or there is a low chance of getting the stars. In my personal opinion, sniper class needs to be flexible (or powerful) and generally are those that require a certain amount of 'self-regulation' as they tend to be the ones to take the remaining burdens of the clan. I do not recommend those below and those who aren't as confident in getting 3 stars to be a sniper.
Flexible Type: Those are flexible type generally have their own schedules to adapt to the war, and can easily assimulate into any of the "types" above. They tend to be needed when required, and push the extra steps into the war and make up for any places that can be patched. With a great adaptability, those in the Flexible Type scout more often than not, and match the war to their personal comfort. Sometimes things get rough as the War flow changes, and adapting could be more difficult.
I am basing this on what the data I've collected and what I personally view the types. Being in First Attack sets the foundation of the clan, being in middle attacker molds the flow of the war, being the sniper shapes the frame and the end results of the war, and being a Flexible type gives a personal touch and work to areas that needs focusing on. We all use our attacks that suit our comfort area, and it really does reflex on when and how you use your attack.
What Should You know?
To show how consistent each clan is, below I have provided a visual to depict how the same rules apply to majority of the clans that aren't international.
Below shows a plot diagram (you can ignore the scores on the left), of all attacks that have been used during war. Each 'Dot' represents one attack, at that specific time.
Image: War 29 - RazeInfinity vs Malaya Empire 7
Source: http://razeinfinity.weebly.com/blog-of-war/war-29-razeinfinity-137-vs-malaya-empire-7-107
If you can see within this image, we are facing Malaya Empire, a completely different time zones. Here is the basic timezone break down.
RazeInfinity Start War Time: 2PM EST..
Malaya Empire 7 Star War Time: 3AM MYT.
Within this image, you can see that majority of our attacks and stars, came from the first 10 hours of war. Since we started at 2pm, it means roughly our barrage of attacks ended at midnight. Since we have international players, We still have members attacking after the midnight time.
For Malaya Empire, since they started at 3am, most of their clan are still sleeping, but if you turn your attention to when their barrage starts to attack, it's roughly at 15hrs left in war. 24hrs - 15hrs = 9hr dormant.
If you do the math, they started their war at 3am, 9 hours after they start to attack, meaning their main forces started at noon.
In conclusion, both clans have their own way of dealing with clan wars. For us, we like to separate it into two chunks and that has worked for us. Since our time of attack is 2pm, it means we have the second half where we can wake up and finish off what's left before 2. While for Malaya's time, they have a straight aim of attacks consistently.
Which one is better? Well, both have their own merits. Our style keeps things in sections so that people with different types can attack according to the flow of the war, and we still have members who are awake during the final moments of the war. The disadvantages is that the discontinuity of the breaks could interrupt communications between clean up and start up. While for Malaya, their attack is a consistently, so their communication between the whole war is long. Disadvantage is, since they started their war at 3am at night, most members would have fallen back to sleep. Any last second pushes if it was a tie, then our clan would have had an advantage since we would have more people available, compared to their clan who is going down.
Another thing to consider is the "flow" of the war. If you start the war and you notice such a big difference, you might be discouraged to do well.
The NExt Step
Now we get to you, as a person who wants to know how to do something crazy as this. Don't worry, you don't have to go overboard with all the colour-coding, spending all that hours of trying to do the same thing. All you have to do is record the person's name, and the time of their two attacks in the war events. Look in the [War Events] Tab, look at the person's name and see the [akiyume (***) | Enemy #30 15h 41m until war ends]. Record that time.
Keep a Record
You don't have to be extravagant in recording it, but keeping a nice record will make things much easier for you. Some extra steps you can take might be recording the stars, but that's another topic. In this setting you can easily see when members attack. If you find someone who constantly attacks late, and is a weaker attacker, tell them to attack earlier. If you find that everyone usually attacks 5 hours after you declared war, why not wait that extra 5 hours?
Know When to Start
(the plots are different, it's an example) In this image, try to plot the times into the area, and notice the patterns. For example this one where mostly people in the clan start attacking during the 17h-16h into war, Why not start war at least another 6 hours later? That way majority of your clan is all prep-ed and ready, doesn't have to deal with pressure from the other clan, as well as more extra time for the clean up part near the end.
Metaki - Combining type with Time of Attack
Now we get to the advance stuff. For our clan, everything is already nature, but this might not be the case for some other clans. I'm creating a new term for myself "Metaki" or "Meta + Aki" because I can, it represent the craziness of combining research with the extra advance work (which may not be necessary, I'd admit). Back on topic, you always want to have remaining attacks left when it comes to clan wars to clean up any bases that didn't get 3 starred. Here is a visual example (bless the Paint skill ~(^-^)~)
For this image, you always want to have at least the #2 strongest (or those within this section), or #3 Mid to cover any bases below that middle area, so you can gain the extra stars in clean up. I'm not going to go too in-depth of attacking targets as that is a different guide. But basically you want #4 and 3 to always attack before #2-1, that way the top can cover the bottom with their second attacks (hence the [Red Zone Area] in Time sheet above).
If you have read my "Types" section above, having #1 and #2 being "Sniper Types" while #3 and #4 being "early attackers" gives the best combo when it comes to covering all bases. If you start clan wars late, your "sniper types" or your #1-2 might have fallen to sleep during that crucial moment near the end of the war.
Here concludes first of many guides that I will be doing. Right now this guide isn't going to do much impact on existing clans as they got things already set, however it'll give those who are clueless some first steps to take for the change for the better. Credits to me, akiyume , and to RazeInfinity members as well as co-leaders for supporting and having me around for me to go crazy deep into making these types of guides. I already have a few guides I will be doing in mind so stay tuned. If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions about the guides please message my inbox or my email: [email protected] . Some guides will be available for the public and some guides will be clan secrets only. If I get a good response back, I'll might share some knowledge, and some aki-feedback with the public, but if it doesn't garner enough, I'll just keep this within my clan's amusement. Thank you for your time