KARA Base Talk #1- Monica
Created By Dreamz, Analyzed by akiyume
Published on November 24, 2015; Analyzed by akiyume
Welcome to the first ever Base Talk Series, specifically this is in the KARA Base Talk Series, using KARA Heroes bases to describe how the advancement of base design is at the top levels of base designing vs the Elites 3 Star Clans. Most of the readers here have a general knowledge of Triton by TheJwhich does represent a level of 3 Star bases for the Elite War clans, but if you put it into today's standards, although it will pass the test against most 3 star clans, it won't be used in the meta games of today's standards even if it was a freshly made, unknown base. Now with this Base Talk Series, please learn from it and be able to absorb the amount of work and the levels of which those at the top have to bitterly attack and survive against the ever so strong wave of attacks.
Speedbuild by Ash/Eternal625
Introduction to Monica
This base was created during the skirmish between Onehive and Kara Heroes. It has some 'anti-first attack' features such as springs on the outside of the first defenses, and the high DPS Kill Zones with the Teslas located on the right side. The Main base qualities of this base is the usage of Storages on the right side to isolate both the left side and right side of the base, making it harder to Quad-Quake Hero, as well as the fact it incorporates diagonal giant bomb within the central area of the 3 Kill Zones.
This base has a very well balanced planning as well as the fact that it employs it's very own unique 'diagonal double giant bomb' that CANNOT be dismantled by surgical hogs, a problem that most horizontal/vertical DGB face. This base for the top league is very well done, employs a mix of anti-first attacks, and heavy emphasis on DPS.
This base has a very well balanced planning as well as the fact that it employs it's very own unique 'diagonal double giant bomb' that CANNOT be dismantled by surgical hogs, a problem that most horizontal/vertical DGB face. This base for the top league is very well done, employs a mix of anti-first attacks, and heavy emphasis on DPS.
"Base Builder's Eyes - How to Analyze a Base" for Monica
This will be my first ever instance of using my newest guide, [Base Builder's Eyes - How to Analyze a War Base] which can be used for ever base created. Using it as a tool, I'll help you understand how to analyze a base and it's qualities.
1. What does the Base Target, and what are the Requirements?
Before you look at this base, you need to understand that it was a planned war between OneHive and KARA Heroes, meaning it's a clash between the Titans of the War. Both parties are 100% fairplay clans, and have equal strengths of knowing what the top meta attack are and what the top base level design needed to combat this. So from the beginning, what the base requires is the knowledge of what the attacker is capable of.
It's a battle between the tops, so a base needs to fit the requirements against the strongest attackers. I'm going to point out something obvious to the Top Elite Clans but maybe not for the public. When it comes to attacking at the elite levels, there is a high chance (maybe let's say 1/4 for example) that the first attack will be a 3 star, due to the fact that Attackers are two steps ahead of base designing (I strongly suggest you to read my [War Base Reality Check] for more information. That being said, EVERY ATTACK COUNTS, so the fact that if a base gets 3 starred on the first attack, that means the person's second attack is free for clean up or attacking another base. If the first attack 'fails to 3 star', meaning even if it's 99% 2 star, that is one less star for the count. Meaning the fact that there needs to be another person who attacks this base again. So defending against first attack is really important in the Top Tier wars. With this in mind, most base that are being made in the Clan needs or majority of the numbers has to survive the first attack even if it means weakening itself for the second attack. Does not mean don't defend against second attack, but rather limit the resource for which the enemy has. Some extra information for KARA, is that when it comes to their bases, they have a counter for which "How fast can this base be 3 Starred" which the fact that most of their excellent bases they have indicators which they've been 3 starred for the first attack. They have a counter which majority of the bases have the "1" on it, but for example like this Monica, it had a "2" meaning it was able to survive against at least one attacks before getting 3 starred. If you plot this against weaker clans, all of these "survive against first attack' can literally add up to about maybe 6-15 attacks which couldn't 3 star on the first attack, and the bases have to be re-attack. This is very important and saves alot of stars. |
2. Does the Base Follow the Current Ideas and Concepts?
Now we look at the concepts behind the base, sort of part of the next section. To See the [TH9 War Base Building Concepts] click on the link.
Referring back to B.B.E's first point, the target of this base is to be able to defend against first attack and be integral as a good base. Since this is a 'first attack' base, remember the fact that Tesla locations are NOT known.
3. Groups, Sections, and Territories. Examine the Base
Now here is where things get complex and it overlaps with the concepts described above. I'll try to explain alot more better as well as 'scenario' attacks for which the base can defend or not defend well against. My [Group, Section, and Territory Guide] mainly helps out with identify the Queen, The Kill Zones, Secondary Kill Zones, and how they interact with each other along with Traps.
Groups, Section and Territory of the Base:
1. The Queen Island location, not much to talk about, already explained. 2. Main Kill Zone #1; When it comes the main kill zone, this one has three traps (2 springs, 1 giant bomb), as well as the the fact that it has a surprise tesla. Around this area, has high DPS, Tesla to the north and cannon at the south. 3. Main Kill Zone #2: Located North, where it has a single spring trap to spring against hogs, also the fact it has high DPS. 4. Extra notice how there is only 3 defenses linked together, but the fact that the left side cannon has the spring traps, meaning it'll throw away the hogs at the first instance. The Mortar is one space above the right side cannon, meaning it'll be second to be targetted. Heading counter clock-wise would result in there being a single giant bomb, forcing the to heal earlier on. 5. Secondary Kill Zone: It's located away from the main kill zone areas, but it also contains the "WizTesla Combo" within it's area, deep inside which strengthen that area as a secondary kil zone. Was going to add more pictures per part, but I'm sure you get the idea, and this overlaps with the next part. |
4. Scenario Functioning: How the Base Would Respond to Different Attacks
Importance of StoragesNow before I start speaking of why the G.S.T interaction work well, I feel like there NEEDS to be a section addressing how this individual base uses its storages efficiently, combined with an ingenius design of having a diagonal DGBs. Looking at the storages, you can see how they separate completely the kill zones on the right, and the "Offset Queen" on the left. This is one way to defend against Quad-Quake.
The Diagonal Double Gaint Bomb, along with the Storages to complement it is the quality feature of this base. Against Quad-Quake/Kill Squad From both DirectionsFirst Image: You can see the fact that if the enemy enters in from the left side with EQ/Heroes, they'll be able to take out that whole left side. But now looking at the black storage location, you can see the fact that it completely isolates the left side from the right side. With the surprise Teslas being there on first attack, or even if the enemy knows the teslas are located on the right, there is still a very high amount of DPS located at the right side, meaning even with Heal, hogs will die along the way. The Main Kill Zone #1 located on the right side, is at the very center of the of the kill zones from the top and the bottom, as well as the fact that there are springs to stop first drop hogs. Compared to the second way of attacking though, this way is better (more information with Onehive attack on this later on).
Second Image: If the enemy enters in from the right side, it's an EXTREMELY hard gamble when it comes to entering a Kill Squad, or the Super Queen tactic on the right side. With the Teslas, cannon, 3/4 giant bombs located on the right side of this base, it severely kills Golems rapidly. Now add in the fact there is the High HP Town Hall, AD (counts as high HP), storages all blocking the right side, it makes it difficult for any ground troops to enter in from the right side to the left side.
Now on the left side (marked in white) there is a very nice balance when it comes to everything. If you look at this image, first notice the fact that there are 4 red air mines located on the left side, 3 wizard Towers, along with the fact that there is a central AD to cover that whole left side. The most important factor is the fact that it's already a gamble having the Heroes enter in from the right side, and with all those storages, there is a low chance that the enemy will be able to target your queen on the left side. Remember the fact that there Loons will be damaged by the red air mines, and within the DEPTHS of G.S.T #5. I've indicated there is that Wiz,Tesla,WIz Combo which is can target groups of loons and hogs. The ground Xbow, and Queen makes it very hard to use 'Back up' troops on the left side. Against LoonsNow against loons, I've covered it alittle above, but it still has it's functionality. The left is purely anti-loon themed, while the right side is targeting Lava hound in front, AND actively pushing Loons from behind.
On the right side: There are 3 'Zones' within this section which contains the 3 Air Defenses. These (Kill) zones are located on the opposite side of the Queen, along with the fact that it has both AS working on this side. Looking at the north Zone, you can see the fact that the AS's target (in white), is directly at the Air Defense, and there is nothing in the AS's radius that'll distract it from pushing against that top part. Combined with double seekings, the loons which have to enter in and kill the left side ArchT, and the Cannon are being pushed back by that air sweeper. Looking at the South Zone, you can see the fact that there aren't much defenses that matter much on this side, but the Air Sweeper still protect this Air Defense as it's only goal, making it hard to get to. Now the fun part, the middle area contains the most heaviest elements of anti-Lavaloon since the fact that HOW lavaloon works is to attack in a 'clock-work' motion in order to have the Loon travel the least amount of time. With this East Kill zone, you have the Tesla protecting the hole area, the Xbow already shooting either north, south or east side of the troops. The entry of Lavaloons is already hard enough from the North or South, but the main problem is that East Zone where it has alot of DPS that could hit Lavas and Loons, which it's difficult to attack against. The Easy Zone can cover the left and the right side, making it hard to hit, but the negative side of this is that it's fairly compact, making it an easier 'Rage Drop' Zone. On the Left Side: I've indicated how there are the "Wizard/Tesla Combos" within this area making it 'anti-loon' zones, as well as the fact that there are 4 air mines within this area, to lower the HP of Loons. There will only be at most 2 Lava hounds on the left side, to target the center AD, but it won't be able to completely trigger all 4 of these air mines. The Queen is also a big threat. |
How it Worked Against Onehive/Attack Against this Base in Hypothetical Scenario
Before I say ANYTHING against this base, first look how well made the base is. Now the fact is after the war against Onehive, (other than minor no-name wars)s, this base was retired from being used. The fact that this base hasn't seen the light of public, and many more bases in other clans makes it lose alot of its potential to teach other people as well as the fact that it doesn't experience any attacks of lower levels, making it so that 'attack logs' for it doesn't exist other than it's intended target of Onehive. More information on [Base Designing's Vicious Cycle].
This base is well made and well addresses the meta games when it comes to attacking and defending, but not all bases can defend against everything. This base (according to the facts I've gotten from KARA) survives two attacks (or just first attack then clean up) before getting 3 starred and the first defense against even the strongest attackers is what gives it a good quality. I don't know what was the life span of this base, but for sure it's under a month of usage. Put it out in the public, and it'll be good for 2 months minimum. This
Another point which I want to point out is the fact that, although this base has been 3 starred, recorded, and everyone knows how it was three-starred, doesn't mean the same thing will happen to you if you mirror that same attack on it. Timing, CC troops, Hero levels, defense level play a role in all the micro-actions which could make or break the base. A base will still have the same weaknesses at certain areas, but it does not mean it'll be 3-starred every time it's been attacked the same time, just means it's more vulnerable being known and loses a few qualities.
This base is well made and well addresses the meta games when it comes to attacking and defending, but not all bases can defend against everything. This base (according to the facts I've gotten from KARA) survives two attacks (or just first attack then clean up) before getting 3 starred and the first defense against even the strongest attackers is what gives it a good quality. I don't know what was the life span of this base, but for sure it's under a month of usage. Put it out in the public, and it'll be good for 2 months minimum. This
Another point which I want to point out is the fact that, although this base has been 3 starred, recorded, and everyone knows how it was three-starred, doesn't mean the same thing will happen to you if you mirror that same attack on it. Timing, CC troops, Hero levels, defense level play a role in all the micro-actions which could make or break the base. A base will still have the same weaknesses at certain areas, but it does not mean it'll be 3-starred every time it's been attacked the same time, just means it's more vulnerable being known and loses a few qualities.
Time Stamp of 9:00 is when the base gets attacked.
In this video it shows how it's been 3-starred, but also the fact that videos like these DO NOT show the initial attack which failed to 3 star this base at the beginning. If a base was intended to defend against First Attackers, works, and then a Second Attacker beat it, which it gets recorded and shown, it does not mean the base is weak at all compared to other bases. It just means that the quality and the 'target' which it intended to do cannot be shown through the front video.
This base survived it's first attack against Onehive, but did not survive the second attack against Onehive. Recognize the fact that this particular attack IS a second attack, so they know all the traps locations, and the teslas. I don't have information on what the first attack was like, but I'll explain some key points which something like attack strategies do not explain when it comes to the positive aspect of this Base Design since it gets overshadowed by the attack.
This attack has a few things which put it to a disadvantage to this particular attack, as well as since this is a second attack:
Enemy knows what's in the CC
Enemy knows where the Teslas/Giant Bombs/Spring Traps are
Enemy has 25/25 Heroes
Please note, I do believe the fact that this particular attack was brilliantly executed so I am NOT 'hating' on the attack itself, but want to describe the 'possibilities' of the base design defending against an almost similar attack if it changed.
In this video it shows how it's been 3-starred, but also the fact that videos like these DO NOT show the initial attack which failed to 3 star this base at the beginning. If a base was intended to defend against First Attackers, works, and then a Second Attacker beat it, which it gets recorded and shown, it does not mean the base is weak at all compared to other bases. It just means that the quality and the 'target' which it intended to do cannot be shown through the front video.
This base survived it's first attack against Onehive, but did not survive the second attack against Onehive. Recognize the fact that this particular attack IS a second attack, so they know all the traps locations, and the teslas. I don't have information on what the first attack was like, but I'll explain some key points which something like attack strategies do not explain when it comes to the positive aspect of this Base Design since it gets overshadowed by the attack.
This attack has a few things which put it to a disadvantage to this particular attack, as well as since this is a second attack:
Enemy knows what's in the CC
Enemy knows where the Teslas/Giant Bombs/Spring Traps are
Enemy has 25/25 Heroes
Please note, I do believe the fact that this particular attack was brilliantly executed so I am NOT 'hating' on the attack itself, but want to describe the 'possibilities' of the base design defending against an almost similar attack if it changed.
Timestamp: 9:38
Ju$t uses a Queen Walk from the south side, which due to the fact that this base doesn't have much emphasis on the south side, as well as the fact that the other side is almost a straight edge, it allows a Queen Walk to easily take out that South-West side. If the enemy had lower level Queen let's say 10-20 range, that Queen Walk might take longer than usual
Afterwards, at the North-west side, he places wizards and a jump spell onto that Wizard Tower, allowing the King to enter that area. The golem was dropped on the Wizard tower, and if the person brought wall breakers,, the Wizard Tower would be able to kill the WB as it tries to target that intersection. With this move, it was able to force the enemy to use a jump spell.
Ju$t uses a Queen Walk from the south side, which due to the fact that this base doesn't have much emphasis on the south side, as well as the fact that the other side is almost a straight edge, it allows a Queen Walk to easily take out that South-West side. If the enemy had lower level Queen let's say 10-20 range, that Queen Walk might take longer than usual
Afterwards, at the North-west side, he places wizards and a jump spell onto that Wizard Tower, allowing the King to enter that area. The golem was dropped on the Wizard tower, and if the person brought wall breakers,, the Wizard Tower would be able to kill the WB as it tries to target that intersection. With this move, it was able to force the enemy to use a jump spell.
Timestamp 10:00
Now looking at this point, you can see that the enemy King has already locked on and killed the DefQueen. At this point, you You'll notice the fact that enemy King is now in a location (with the golem) where there is 3 Storages, 1 Xbow, and 1 AD, HIGH Hp buildings. If this King was a lower level King, the amount of time it would have spent in this 'area' would be until when the game would already end, coupled with the fact the King has this many high HP buildings and a wall to separate it from the remaining parts of the base. A lv25 King cannot be underestimated as well as the fact that the sheer AMOUNT of barbarians that are summon get overlooked (and the amount of damage they do as a group is overwhelming high). If you watch the replay, you'll notice how the barbarians were able to tear through the Lv9 Wall to chase after the Skele traps along side the King. If the Skele traps didn't aggro the King/barbarians. The King was able to leave this area early.
Now here is an important point of reference, and is the most brilliant play of the attacker which why the attack succeed. Marked in orange, is the fact that the enemy dropped hogs on that LEFT SIDE of the base, as well as dropping a heal where that Wiz/Tesla/Wiz Bomb was located. It helped kill the Archer Tower/AD/Xbow on the left more quicker and allowed the attacker to free the barbarian King.
Notice the fact that out of the enemy brought 21 Hogs, and used 13 of the hogs (2/3s ish) on the left side of the bases. Remember the fact that diagonal giant bomb are rare and the fact that if this was a first attack, the enemy wouldn't know where the DGB are. and if there are two sets of DGB or not
Now looking at this point, you can see that the enemy King has already locked on and killed the DefQueen. At this point, you You'll notice the fact that enemy King is now in a location (with the golem) where there is 3 Storages, 1 Xbow, and 1 AD, HIGH Hp buildings. If this King was a lower level King, the amount of time it would have spent in this 'area' would be until when the game would already end, coupled with the fact the King has this many high HP buildings and a wall to separate it from the remaining parts of the base. A lv25 King cannot be underestimated as well as the fact that the sheer AMOUNT of barbarians that are summon get overlooked (and the amount of damage they do as a group is overwhelming high). If you watch the replay, you'll notice how the barbarians were able to tear through the Lv9 Wall to chase after the Skele traps along side the King. If the Skele traps didn't aggro the King/barbarians. The King was able to leave this area early.
Now here is an important point of reference, and is the most brilliant play of the attacker which why the attack succeed. Marked in orange, is the fact that the enemy dropped hogs on that LEFT SIDE of the base, as well as dropping a heal where that Wiz/Tesla/Wiz Bomb was located. It helped kill the Archer Tower/AD/Xbow on the left more quicker and allowed the attacker to free the barbarian King.
Notice the fact that out of the enemy brought 21 Hogs, and used 13 of the hogs (2/3s ish) on the left side of the bases. Remember the fact that diagonal giant bomb are rare and the fact that if this was a first attack, the enemy wouldn't know where the DGB are. and if there are two sets of DGB or not
Hypothetical Scenario #1 |
Rewind abit, and for the normal attacker or for first attackers, this image is what you will be seeing if you planned up to this point and did not know where the teslas and DGBs are. There are 3 possibilities for DGB to be located, and endless possiblities of Tesla locations.
If you look to the right side, you can see the fact that 2/3rds the amount of defenses are located at the right side of the base. Most average 3 star attackers, or first attackers would use hogs on the right side in a clock-work motion using Surgical Hogs to target the Archer Towers, and the Cannons (getting Spring trapped along the way). If that did happen though, they would have all died to the real DGB set. In this replay though, the attacker knew there was only one set of DGB, so they were able to send in the 2/3s amount of hogs from the left side without worry, as well as the fact they were able to send a pack of Suicide Hogs to dismantle the real set of DGB on the right side. |
Time Stamp: 10:15
How it actually went out, like I've said, a brilliant Hogs from the left side, entering in froo the left side and head straight upwards. On the right side, the attacker did the "sacrificial hogs" like what Jake said, where it went straight after the Double giant bombs. They knew the fact that there wasn't a set of double giant bomb on the left side at all and was able to attack it using this attack strategy which worked. In the replay, the King was able to break free from the left side, and join the north hogs as they go north to kill the remaining defenses.
How it actually went out, like I've said, a brilliant Hogs from the left side, entering in froo the left side and head straight upwards. On the right side, the attacker did the "sacrificial hogs" like what Jake said, where it went straight after the Double giant bombs. They knew the fact that there wasn't a set of double giant bomb on the left side at all and was able to attack it using this attack strategy which worked. In the replay, the King was able to break free from the left side, and join the north hogs as they go north to kill the remaining defenses.
In the end though, the second attack was well executed, with strong heroes to be able to execute this strategy, but not alot of people are able to pull this strategy off a second time without the right conditions. This base can still re-work the DGB locations into two sets and it could still possibly work. Reiterate what I said earlier, the attack is well though out, had the right resources and insight as well as known the right ways to deploy against the base which made this second attack, work against this base.