Second Gen: Risks and Potential Problems
Of course designing a base over one concept, makes it easier to put a blind side onto another weakness of a base. I have noticed a few inherited weaknesses that my second generation contains, I do try to fix it up as I build new ones, and tweak the old ones, but the layout of the base all have similar qualities which inherently hard to address..
Metaki SEries #5: Troubles with the Isolated Wizard Pressure Theory
Heal SpellPointed out by a fellow base builder Godll, as well as my own observation, I now that a wizard tower at the end probably won't be enough to kill the enemy balloons. The black indicate where the point defenses are, while the white lines are the direction which the loons will most likely come from. A heal would probably be dropped from that location. The base needs to out damage the heals, so one tesla probably won't be enough, so I'm thinking of in my next build to create a base with 2 teslas beside the Wizard Tower as then it can out damage the balloons,
AD are within close to each otherAnother problem is that the sections on the right side are all really wide, and allows enemies to enter. The Two Ads are really close together which is strong against hounds but bad if they want to kill it. I put the two gold storages at this area, hoping to soak enough damage, but heroes (especially a backed up queen) is possible to kill these two ADs.