Town Hall 8 War Base Designing Considerations
Welcome to the page where I discuss Town Hall 8 War Base designing consideration that help guide you towards making a better base. Of course this page is not something which equals to building the best base around, but it will help you build a base that is much stronger towards defending against most common attacks of Town Hall 9.
When it comes to Building an "Elite" TH8 War Base, there are 4 types of attacks you need to watch out for:
1) Dragons
2) Hogs
3) Valk-Loons
4) Mixed Golem + King / Back End Hogs
For Dragons, it's all about the placement of the Air Sweeper, Storages and AD. For Hogs, it's all about the placement of the DGB, and the springs. For Valk-loon, surprisingly, it has to do with how big the core compartments are and how many Air Defenses can be taken by Ground Valks/Golems. For Hybrid Golem + Back end Hogs, it has to do with how well you anticipate which direction the enemy is coming from and balance the spring traps on one area, double giant bomb on the other. This guide will address and give suggestions towards designing a better TH8 base which take into consideration all of these points.
Please note the fact that I am a Town Hall 9 so some images might be me placing my buildings as reference, so please ignore the level of the towers, and just focus on the placement.
When it comes to Building an "Elite" TH8 War Base, there are 4 types of attacks you need to watch out for:
1) Dragons
2) Hogs
3) Valk-Loons
4) Mixed Golem + King / Back End Hogs
For Dragons, it's all about the placement of the Air Sweeper, Storages and AD. For Hogs, it's all about the placement of the DGB, and the springs. For Valk-loon, surprisingly, it has to do with how big the core compartments are and how many Air Defenses can be taken by Ground Valks/Golems. For Hybrid Golem + Back end Hogs, it has to do with how well you anticipate which direction the enemy is coming from and balance the spring traps on one area, double giant bomb on the other. This guide will address and give suggestions towards designing a better TH8 base which take into consideration all of these points.
Please note the fact that I am a Town Hall 9 so some images might be me placing my buildings as reference, so please ignore the level of the towers, and just focus on the placement.
One Central Compartment for All Three ADs Not Ideal
When it comes to attacking a base with Valkyries and Loons, with the invention of Quake spell, the enemy can easily open up your base into your core and heal the Valkyries as it is being hit from the outside in. The moment all the Air Defenses go down, that is when loons are sent in to target every single defense on the outside. So in order to prevent things you need to make it so that Air Defenses are not within the same compartment, or at least the one of them is not along the path towards the remaining two air defenses. Compartmentalize the Defenses, and make it so that there is no way for enemy to Earthquake walls and wall breaker into all Three ADs. This applies to that infamous Anti-3 Star TH8 War Base with that Centralized AD, Mortar, and Clan Castle Around the Town Hall.
Have Two Storages in Front Per AD from the Outside to In
Can't stress this enough, but the fact is in order to protect your AIr Defenses against Dragons, you must use HP buildings such as storages and Town Halls to block the in coming Dragons. The average is 2 HP Storages within range of the AD so that the AD would be able to hit against the dragon as they are struggling to get past that barrier. You have to anticipate all 3 directions which Dragons will funnel in and come from (since they will target 2 ADs at a time). If there aren't enough HP buildings, then it's simple rage or haste to bring the Dragon closer to the Air Defense, which you DO NOT want.
Air Sweeper Placement which takes Zap-Quake Consideration
Dragon attacks are still an option for attacking at TH8, but the approach and the new way of taking out an Air Defense (Zap Quake compared to 3 Lightnings in the past) make it so that the consideration of Air Sweeper has to be done. Air Sweeper put up a resistance against which way the Dragons will come and Deters the Dragons from 1/3 of the direction, but now you have to take into consideration the back side of the Air Defense when the enemy does NOT come in from the front side of the Air Sweeper. For more information on this, please read my [Air Sweeper Placement] Guide for TH7-8.
Corner Builder Huts is Still Worth Placing
When it comes to corner builder hut, I believe it's still a viable due to the fact that the advantages of it being there still far outweigh it not being there. Although the fact that the effectiveness of having corner builders has diminished by a huge chunk due to the +30 second attack time, but the fact is with just corner builder, it disrupt the "flow" of which usual attackers would have just simple 1-2-3 step dragoned a base. The fact you have to THINK about pre-planning corner dragon, or gamble that you have enough time for dragons to move around has a better value and contributing factor making corner builders still as effective.
There is the disadvantage for the fact that having corner builder huts will result in an "anchor point" for which your Clan Castle can be pull to, but the fact is there is a newer option of killing all clan castle troops which is double poison. Either case, you are spending extra troops to kill the dragons/loons and anchoring, or you are spending two dark spells to get rid of the clan castle. When it comes to having corner builders, there might be an argument that "it'll allow enemies to waste more space to bring it out if you aren't planning to double poison. But that 3-4 Barbs to bring out the Clan Castle, can still be the same 2-3 barbs used to break builders hut.
In the end, Dragoners in non-scrimmage wars still outweigh Hoggers, and for those that hog, they still have to decide whether or not to double poison or to lure. But in both cases it's 3/4 reasons why corner builder still is effective and is worth the investment for base building as a TH7 or TH8.
There is the disadvantage for the fact that having corner builder huts will result in an "anchor point" for which your Clan Castle can be pull to, but the fact is there is a newer option of killing all clan castle troops which is double poison. Either case, you are spending extra troops to kill the dragons/loons and anchoring, or you are spending two dark spells to get rid of the clan castle. When it comes to having corner builders, there might be an argument that "it'll allow enemies to waste more space to bring it out if you aren't planning to double poison. But that 3-4 Barbs to bring out the Clan Castle, can still be the same 2-3 barbs used to break builders hut.
In the end, Dragoners in non-scrimmage wars still outweigh Hoggers, and for those that hog, they still have to decide whether or not to double poison or to lure. But in both cases it's 3/4 reasons why corner builder still is effective and is worth the investment for base building as a TH7 or TH8.