Alot of writing to do when it comes to the new pages, so it'll probably take alittle longer. My best estimate is it'll all be released on Nov 18th, a Wednesday. Don't quote me on it though, but hopefully I get this done by then. There will be a new [Directory], and new categories;
OLD - News|Directory|Base Analysis|Buildings|Concepts&Discussions|Metaki|Others
NEW - News|Directory|Base Info|Base Review|Concepts|Buildings|Others
Also have a new 'icons' for which to tag each page, as well as their 'target market'. Indicators for Beginners, Intermediate, and Advanced base builders so that anyone who visits that page, will first be able to tell if it's a guide/informational/concept, and be able to tell if the page is targeted towards them.
UPDATE #1, NOV 6/2015:
I'm working on my website right now, so some images or links might be broken, so sorry about that. Also the fact that weebly's themes aren't really the best, and the good templates/themes online that are good are expensive :(... so the theme won't change... Thanks for being patient, still working hard :D
Hi there fellow readers of my website, I would like to bring some news about my current path for this website, which most of it is good news.
[Crossed out]Unfortunately, the layout of how my website is right now, is super not productive in showing what is available, and organizing new guides and pages are really hard to be placed within this current theme. I've decided within a week or so, the theme/layout of this website will be changed, and yet again, pages under certain sections will be re-categories under new headings. I'll need to find a better layout to display everything properly, as well as give a small description for each of the pages. It'll take a small while to find the right layout, but don't be alarmed if it does happen though.
When it comes to base designing though, like I've said, there are Beginners, Intermediate, and Advanced base builder and what I have mostly written is for the intermediate and for the advance base builders. I really want to make a few smaller guide for when it comes to beginners, but I have too many ideas for the higher levels and too short of an attention/power to write as much, as well as the fact that these things can be self-learned from other experiences of building farming/trophy bases.
Now for content that is about to come, almost like how I have the [Divisions and Stages of TH9 War Bases], I have made a new thread in the supercell forum,I'm [Collecting all War Base Building Rules/Guidelines for a Compilation List], so it's basically a page for which it states all the collected information, brief info that is confirmed for people be able to stick with and have as a 'check list'. It is made for the intention for all 3 B/I/A base builders, as a starting point.
Made a thread in the forum right now as (maybe Temporary) hub for a list of all my guides, pages or threads that I have published.
[Compilation of akiyume's Guides and Information Thread]
Future Releases
-Current and Future Thoughts (CFT) October 2015 edition is currently being worked on
-Brainstorm Concepts and Ideas (BCI) October 2015 Edition is currently being worked on, it's a separated section from the TH9 Base building concept dedicated to only ideas which might or not might nor work, but it's still out in the open for debate
- new addition to ideas for the [Th9 Base Building Concepts] that I've managed to intake
-[War Base Building Rules/Guidelines Compilation List] for sure will be open once I collect enough
-KARA Base Talk - Analyzing and Extracting the Elements : pages dedicated to retired KARA bases which I can dedicate time to pull out the 'top' ideas and resources, and any discussion in the future about new bases.
Possibly New Guides/Pages
- General Base Talk: Analyzing and Extracting the Elements- a more general area where I take anti-3 star bases and break it downthink about it as a youtube video, that isn't a youtube video, which is a series of me breaking down a base