Hi there fellow readers of my website, akiyume here :)
Today (Jan 21) (or tomorrow if you count when the website went live) marks the One Year Anniversary of which my website has been online and where I started my journey of teaching Base Design, as well as how it has changed my real life career path. In total through this year I have just reached over 100k unique visitors (meaning if you visit my website once today, you count as a u.v. but if you view any other pages, that is still count as one person. If you visit again tomorrow, that's another one u.v.). For those that have been enlightened, for those that have actively been with me through this journey, for those that have silently came back and continue to share and spread the knowledge, and for everyone who has been connected to me, I truly thank you.
I have divided this news into parts, "History" if you wish to know my history and how this website developed, or "What the Future Holds" part of you want to know what is being planned and new articles for the future.
Would also like to thank M.G. (their initials) for their generous donation. Helps keeps me motivated, and appreciated ^-^. Thank you.
Today (Jan 21) (or tomorrow if you count when the website went live) marks the One Year Anniversary of which my website has been online and where I started my journey of teaching Base Design, as well as how it has changed my real life career path. In total through this year I have just reached over 100k unique visitors (meaning if you visit my website once today, you count as a u.v. but if you view any other pages, that is still count as one person. If you visit again tomorrow, that's another one u.v.). For those that have been enlightened, for those that have actively been with me through this journey, for those that have silently came back and continue to share and spread the knowledge, and for everyone who has been connected to me, I truly thank you.
I have divided this news into parts, "History" if you wish to know my history and how this website developed, or "What the Future Holds" part of you want to know what is being planned and new articles for the future.
Would also like to thank M.G. (their initials) for their generous donation. Helps keeps me motivated, and appreciated ^-^. Thank you.
What the Future Holds
To be honest, like I've said, the level of investment for which I have for this website is purely dependent on my motivation level, my interest and how much energy I have to write everything. It's a physical disability, which sometimes it's productive, but sometimes it's not. But I do have alot of ideas in mind, and I have many projects/series in mind so this website will probably bloom even more in the future if I stay invested into this.
When it comes to what is going to come, of course my main focus is Top Tier War Bases and trying to catch up and explain them, but I enjoy branching out to other areas of interest.
To be honest, I have not tried to touch Farm Bases for a long time because of the fact that I know I'm taking too much for me to swallow, but right now I enjoy the fact that if there are topic of interest, my levels of wanting to do work spikes.
As for how my "Series" are going on, I know I have been putting it off the back burner, but actually I came up with a few more topics to try out in the future XD....
Right now I'm working on what I've stated before, I'm working on my "Advanced Guidance" series aimed at the Advanced war base builders. Still happening, but had a slight hiccup.
Have another idea of a type of "Cat and Mouse" Series where I play catch up with how much Base Design is changing (read more in the Horoaki section).
Also another Series idea would be for example taking old bases from Scrimmages that are months ago and examining why they don't work anymore in today's standards.
Farm Base Talk Series will definitely come so look forward to it :).
When it comes to what is going to come, of course my main focus is Top Tier War Bases and trying to catch up and explain them, but I enjoy branching out to other areas of interest.
To be honest, I have not tried to touch Farm Bases for a long time because of the fact that I know I'm taking too much for me to swallow, but right now I enjoy the fact that if there are topic of interest, my levels of wanting to do work spikes.
As for how my "Series" are going on, I know I have been putting it off the back burner, but actually I came up with a few more topics to try out in the future XD....
Right now I'm working on what I've stated before, I'm working on my "Advanced Guidance" series aimed at the Advanced war base builders. Still happening, but had a slight hiccup.
Have another idea of a type of "Cat and Mouse" Series where I play catch up with how much Base Design is changing (read more in the Horoaki section).
Also another Series idea would be for example taking old bases from Scrimmages that are months ago and examining why they don't work anymore in today's standards.
Farm Base Talk Series will definitely come so look forward to it :).
Future Series: Horoaki - akiyume's Base Designing Reflection Journey Series
Also proud to say that I'm going to release/work on my next generation of "Bases" soon, and help you guys learn for when it comes to base designing. But I'm going to preface this and say the fact that, this series is NOT a "Base Show Case" and me bragging about how it works at all. It's the opposite, where I showcase you an base design that I have built but no longer works in today's meta, I will show the intention of what I have brought into building it, how it worked in real life, and now why it no longer works due to meta shifting. For any of the Elite/TWC/Scrimmage level of Base Designs that see these bases I'm going to show case, I'm betting they will scorn at the fact that it's bad. Well there is a reason why it's bad, it's because I'm showing it off after the meta has changed.
This is a Reflection Series, meaning looking back and discussing why it didn't or doesn't work anymore.
Here is the Intro for Horoaki:
This is a Reflection Series, meaning looking back and discussing why it didn't or doesn't work anymore.
Here is the Intro for Horoaki:
Welcome to my successor towards Metaki series, the Horoaki series. In this series, compared to my previous series, is completely different approach for when it comes to showing off the base, and showing off the design. As a base builder, I have already explained and identified the levels of which the base designs are at in my [War Base Grades and Categories] Guide, and the rate of which attack strategies grow is already outpacing Base Building, and the rate of which Base Building grows (in the TWC clans) have far outstripped any normal base builder. If the rate of which attack strategy evolve is ABC +D+E options to chose from, base building has to go at a linear approach of 10+2+ 0.5+1, and small incremental increase. When it comes to base building it's such a private self-taught process which it is hard to know without being in the actual battlefield.
When I built my Metaki Series, it was built during an era where Lavaloon was the only strong attack that effectively worked on everything, and Hogs-mixed were at a balanced point. At the current meta games, Base design has literally been outstripped and outpaced by how much advancement which attack strategies have and all of the buff given to them. Queen Walk/Surgical Hogs for the Outside, Lavaloon, Hogs, Dragons, Valks for the insides, poison completely crippled all low hp troops in CC(I know, there is a debate on this, but you cannot deny the fact that you barely see witches in CC in any wars anymore), and just too much advancement for when it comes to offence attacking. Even Monica, something I have described two months ago was barely being outdated, and now, COMPLETELY outdated and unusable at the scrimmage level due to how well developed attack strategies are. This base design series is through a perspective of someone aiming for the highest level of base designing, aka at the level of TWC, because that is where the true battle field of where base are put to the test. FP clans follow afterwards but the rate of growth from FP base builders are just following TWC base building Attack Strategy's growth rate has already eclipsed base design. A base designed on November can no longer work due to the TH11 Patch Update. A base designed at mid-December to early January after the patch, is already a step behind because double-zap quake came along. Now, today (January 21) although I'm not part of TWC, I've just been informed that current meta have changed to two good extremely separated DGB's, Tesla Farms are more spaced out, and now spring trap farms are a thing, yet another step forward for base design (yay!). So base designs that were good Mid-January, are already being phased out and one step behind current meta. The rate of which cat and mouse game between TWC base building, and TWC attack strategy is such a crazy battle. What this series is not about the base anymore, this series is a reflection series, as to show my thought process into how I have developed the base, and how the base does not work, which I hope you guys can pick up. I have developed (to date, Jan 2016), about 5+ bases which are built by me and I'm willing to share and a few that are still being kept private due to [this, Vicious Cycle] reason. |
Farming Base Variables - How to Choose a Correct Farm Base
Here is my first step into another area :P. I have been holding off doing farm bases because of the fact that I know it'll be too much on my plate. For now I'm going to do this article and then Farm Base Talk Series in the (short) future. To be honest, I am NOT a farm base builders, nor do I claim to be one. I won't be one in the near future either (can't really say never), and I'll leave it to the expertise in building :P. But when it comes to finding patterns and identifying key aspects of base design, I feel like my approach with this article will be insightful. Nothing much to say now, but enjoy the Guide/article :D. (It's placed under Base Review Categories).
Sources for Bases Used on This Website
Now when it comes to base design, I have described how TWC clans have the most well developed bases while FPC play concept catch up game. I'm not part of the TWC and as I have explained in my [Base Designer's Vicious Cycle] Page (I think I've accidentally hidden it), and it's hard to explain how a well a base in today's standard is if I steal the base and show case it and then ruin the base. So I try my best to explain things that I've seen but can't show which sucks.
I have tried to be respectful but that is really restricting me from doing work on base design. For example if someone from Clan A scrimmaged Clan B and screen shot all of their bases and shown me Clan B's bases, of course the information is excellent but at the same time I don't have permission to use Clan B's bases. What happens if these bases are going to be used for another match but now since I've shown off everything, they now have to dump those bases? That is what I don't want to happen and it's unfair to Clan B. But the show must go on.
So what I'm going to do is if I see a base that has been featured in any scrimmages on Youtube that is 1 month old (or 2 depending on the base) I'll say it's fair grabs to use in my guides. I won't claim that I made the base, and I apologize if I show off your secrets, but I just don't have enough bases from others to show off.
If there are any bases that are 2-3 months old I believe that it's fair for me to use it freely. This is more of a controversial decision that I'm making, but the base will be used to serve and educate the public. Base designs get flushed out so quickly and the growth rate of Base Designs now is at an all time high, so 2 months design I believe is already considered outdated.
Hopefully that solves a problem for me, and clarifies my views and my -unethical- use of other people's bases, which I am NOT claiming that I have built, but sucks that I have to expose them for the sake of research....
I have tried to be respectful but that is really restricting me from doing work on base design. For example if someone from Clan A scrimmaged Clan B and screen shot all of their bases and shown me Clan B's bases, of course the information is excellent but at the same time I don't have permission to use Clan B's bases. What happens if these bases are going to be used for another match but now since I've shown off everything, they now have to dump those bases? That is what I don't want to happen and it's unfair to Clan B. But the show must go on.
So what I'm going to do is if I see a base that has been featured in any scrimmages on Youtube that is 1 month old (or 2 depending on the base) I'll say it's fair grabs to use in my guides. I won't claim that I made the base, and I apologize if I show off your secrets, but I just don't have enough bases from others to show off.
If there are any bases that are 2-3 months old I believe that it's fair for me to use it freely. This is more of a controversial decision that I'm making, but the base will be used to serve and educate the public. Base designs get flushed out so quickly and the growth rate of Base Designs now is at an all time high, so 2 months design I believe is already considered outdated.
Hopefully that solves a problem for me, and clarifies my views and my -unethical- use of other people's bases, which I am NOT claiming that I have built, but sucks that I have to expose them for the sake of research....
History of akiyume and the Website
Click the -read-more- if you are actually interested in my backstory :P