Happy New Year my Fellow Clashers!
It's been another year, and I'm hoping you guys have had a great 2015, and will have a fun 2016. I won't be touching your personal lives, but with clash there have been many new updates and development when it comes to CoC. For those that have been reading my website since the very beginning, I thank you. For those that just recently came and joined, welcome to this website, dedicated to teaching TH9 War Bases.
Clash has been a fun distraction for me, as well as the fact that this website brought out the inner "developer/educator" from me, which I had fun writing guides to the public, teaching others, as well as the fact that it also is bring me closer to the career which I feel like is more suited for me. I went from an Art School to now a more social/ Community Development type of work. I would like to thank those that I have helped along the way, those that have been silent but show support, and those that have actively shown their support for me, I would like to thank you.
Now back to this website. As you guys know, there is the TH9 which is considered "the sweet spot" for war, and now TH11 came, that "Sweet Spot" might shift to TH10. I don't know if there will be any new development towards TH10 Base building, but I'll see once the meta has shifted.
For this New Year, I'm already enjoy making guides, helping base designers out when it comes to base building, and I already have a few things in mind. Although I'm not a youtuber (sadly, I just can't do it as it's hard to record), I do do what most youtuber do, which is produce content. I don't add fluff stuff, and I solo-ly based my information on trying to teach not just the surface, but the insight behind the theories.
Aki's War Base Designing Guidance Series and Teaching Episodes
Although I don't do videos, think of the pages as youtube video themselves. I'm planning on doing a weekly/Bi-weekly Series of Base Building which I thought would have been good as guides separately, but there is too much overlap so I want to make it as a continuous project, which could capture more attention from the public, as well as the fact that it allows me to have a good schedule.
I've already though of the first Episode and maybe the next 2, but here is the first Episode's Title
Episode #1: The Zones of a Base
Episode #2: Base Compartment Considerations
Hopefully this is a good ongoing series. This Series though can branch out into different areas such as "Empty Core" or "Queen" branches of information. We'll see if it happens :)
Opinions on Donations/Ads/Patreon for Incentives for me (alittle sad tone)
Here is alittle ugly topic, but I feel like it's important to me at least. Will contain some personal stuff. If you guys can tell, there are no advertisements on this website, or anything else. This website I actually paid real money (outta my pocket) in order to have access to better resources on weebly to create my content, and I do it solo-ly as an outlet for my creativity and for my enjoyment. When it comes to personal life though, I'm just a struggling student that has some 'disadvantages' such as A.D.D. and alittle depression, and I am currently in school. There is too many ups and downs, so when I feel happy, I may product some work in one night, if not, in 3 weeks I might not write anything.
So with this in mind, I enjoy making content for this website, but that's the only drive I have. So I want to see if there is a donation button/advertisements or something else that bring up my drive. The advantage of youtube is the fact that people can comment on the video themselves, but my website doesn't really do that, I have asked for comments on this blog a few times (which I am appreciated of for those that do :) ), but it feels like I have more silent readers that I don't know exist, and sometimes I just don't know the impact of what I do. Feels kinda lonely ( ; ^:), but I can't do youtube, and I can't change the format of this website.
So now back to the question of, what would your opinions be on Donations/Advertisement/Patreon? To be honest, I'm not money hungry (or I would have put advertisement long time ago, lol), or really too into that money aspect of this website. Just want another something that could put a smile on my face when it comes to doing this website, not just the fact that what I write makes me happy. Process of making the guide makes me happy, but not enough results to show what the guides in the end do.
Donation Goal for more Content
Plain and simple. Not like I'm holding the guides hostage, as I will produce the guides but the fact is the guides come up really depends on my mood/my enjoyment level of wanting to produce it. It's not a good system of releasing, could be 2 guides in 1 week, or 1 guide in 3 weeks, and it's too abnormal. Even for example that ongoing series which I want to be bi-weekly or weekly, really is dictated by my 'drive' to actually make it. So for example if there was a donation cap for example (not the real amount) of "reach $15-20 dollars by mid-January", and I actually reached that amount, I would be happy to produce more content before that deadline, or after that deadline. It's just another way to bring me back into liking to make the content.
Donation/Patreon for Content
There is a website called Patreon where you can support content creators monthly, per project or something like that. So for example if there was patreon, I can allow early access to those that want to read my stuff for those that donate any amount (don't let it be 1 cent XD...) while still giving me the option to produce more.
Not a big fan of advertisement, as it's annoying, and I tried to set it up before but adsense said I didn't have enough content (lol). I can try to set it up again, that way there doesn't need to be a reliance on individuals, also the fact that it's also a steady way for letting me get something, at the cost of almost nothing for you guys. I won't do those annoying popups, or re-directs, but having a side-bar or a banner at the top, won't hurt this website.
Either way, I would like to hear your opinion on donations or advertisement. I can do all 3, or just one depending on the your opinions.
It's been another year, and I'm hoping you guys have had a great 2015, and will have a fun 2016. I won't be touching your personal lives, but with clash there have been many new updates and development when it comes to CoC. For those that have been reading my website since the very beginning, I thank you. For those that just recently came and joined, welcome to this website, dedicated to teaching TH9 War Bases.
Clash has been a fun distraction for me, as well as the fact that this website brought out the inner "developer/educator" from me, which I had fun writing guides to the public, teaching others, as well as the fact that it also is bring me closer to the career which I feel like is more suited for me. I went from an Art School to now a more social/ Community Development type of work. I would like to thank those that I have helped along the way, those that have been silent but show support, and those that have actively shown their support for me, I would like to thank you.
Now back to this website. As you guys know, there is the TH9 which is considered "the sweet spot" for war, and now TH11 came, that "Sweet Spot" might shift to TH10. I don't know if there will be any new development towards TH10 Base building, but I'll see once the meta has shifted.
For this New Year, I'm already enjoy making guides, helping base designers out when it comes to base building, and I already have a few things in mind. Although I'm not a youtuber (sadly, I just can't do it as it's hard to record), I do do what most youtuber do, which is produce content. I don't add fluff stuff, and I solo-ly based my information on trying to teach not just the surface, but the insight behind the theories.
Aki's War Base Designing Guidance Series and Teaching Episodes
Although I don't do videos, think of the pages as youtube video themselves. I'm planning on doing a weekly/Bi-weekly Series of Base Building which I thought would have been good as guides separately, but there is too much overlap so I want to make it as a continuous project, which could capture more attention from the public, as well as the fact that it allows me to have a good schedule.
I've already though of the first Episode and maybe the next 2, but here is the first Episode's Title
Episode #1: The Zones of a Base
Episode #2: Base Compartment Considerations
Hopefully this is a good ongoing series. This Series though can branch out into different areas such as "Empty Core" or "Queen" branches of information. We'll see if it happens :)
Opinions on Donations/Ads/Patreon for Incentives for me (alittle sad tone)
Here is alittle ugly topic, but I feel like it's important to me at least. Will contain some personal stuff. If you guys can tell, there are no advertisements on this website, or anything else. This website I actually paid real money (outta my pocket) in order to have access to better resources on weebly to create my content, and I do it solo-ly as an outlet for my creativity and for my enjoyment. When it comes to personal life though, I'm just a struggling student that has some 'disadvantages' such as A.D.D. and alittle depression, and I am currently in school. There is too many ups and downs, so when I feel happy, I may product some work in one night, if not, in 3 weeks I might not write anything.
So with this in mind, I enjoy making content for this website, but that's the only drive I have. So I want to see if there is a donation button/advertisements or something else that bring up my drive. The advantage of youtube is the fact that people can comment on the video themselves, but my website doesn't really do that, I have asked for comments on this blog a few times (which I am appreciated of for those that do :) ), but it feels like I have more silent readers that I don't know exist, and sometimes I just don't know the impact of what I do. Feels kinda lonely ( ; ^:), but I can't do youtube, and I can't change the format of this website.
So now back to the question of, what would your opinions be on Donations/Advertisement/Patreon? To be honest, I'm not money hungry (or I would have put advertisement long time ago, lol), or really too into that money aspect of this website. Just want another something that could put a smile on my face when it comes to doing this website, not just the fact that what I write makes me happy. Process of making the guide makes me happy, but not enough results to show what the guides in the end do.
Donation Goal for more Content
Plain and simple. Not like I'm holding the guides hostage, as I will produce the guides but the fact is the guides come up really depends on my mood/my enjoyment level of wanting to produce it. It's not a good system of releasing, could be 2 guides in 1 week, or 1 guide in 3 weeks, and it's too abnormal. Even for example that ongoing series which I want to be bi-weekly or weekly, really is dictated by my 'drive' to actually make it. So for example if there was a donation cap for example (not the real amount) of "reach $15-20 dollars by mid-January", and I actually reached that amount, I would be happy to produce more content before that deadline, or after that deadline. It's just another way to bring me back into liking to make the content.
Donation/Patreon for Content
There is a website called Patreon where you can support content creators monthly, per project or something like that. So for example if there was patreon, I can allow early access to those that want to read my stuff for those that donate any amount (don't let it be 1 cent XD...) while still giving me the option to produce more.
Not a big fan of advertisement, as it's annoying, and I tried to set it up before but adsense said I didn't have enough content (lol). I can try to set it up again, that way there doesn't need to be a reliance on individuals, also the fact that it's also a steady way for letting me get something, at the cost of almost nothing for you guys. I won't do those annoying popups, or re-directs, but having a side-bar or a banner at the top, won't hurt this website.
Either way, I would like to hear your opinion on donations or advertisement. I can do all 3, or just one depending on the your opinions.