Hello there dedicated readers of my website, I have just recently opened up my own forum [Discussions] area where I want to invite those that are passionate about discussing thoughts, conceptual topics, and maybe trending things like the recent Air Sweeper thoroughly.
Places like Supercell forum, reddit is too cluttered with noise whether it be freshie that just join and said "that's not going to work" and not contribute anything or just all the good threads gets pushed to the end. I'm going to use my build in forum that weebly offers here to see if I can gather like minded people to talk and discuss properly.
Although I dislike the fact that weebly's built in forum is not the best of quality and the fact that you need to register in order to comment (sorry about that :( ), I wish to test and see if I can get this place to be the grounds for people to discuss. For more information, click on the link below to see the supercell thread I've posted.
Right now I'm still re-applying adsense (they said my website got rejected because I don't got enough content, lol), so hopefully I can get some dough out out of the stuff I'm working on. I've decided even if I do have ads on my website in the future, I do not wish it for there to be ads on the discussion section since I don't want to benefit from a place where people can speak.
Places like Supercell forum, reddit is too cluttered with noise whether it be freshie that just join and said "that's not going to work" and not contribute anything or just all the good threads gets pushed to the end. I'm going to use my build in forum that weebly offers here to see if I can gather like minded people to talk and discuss properly.
Although I dislike the fact that weebly's built in forum is not the best of quality and the fact that you need to register in order to comment (sorry about that :( ), I wish to test and see if I can get this place to be the grounds for people to discuss. For more information, click on the link below to see the supercell thread I've posted.
Right now I'm still re-applying adsense (they said my website got rejected because I don't got enough content, lol), so hopefully I can get some dough out out of the stuff I'm working on. I've decided even if I do have ads on my website in the future, I do not wish it for there to be ads on the discussion section since I don't want to benefit from a place where people can speak.
Placing Junk Buildings Farther, Corner Builder's Hut Opposite of Queen
Here is the first discussion topic I've posted:
This was just a thought I was thinking of when I create my bases.
Right now all Anti-3 star buildings should be unlurable, so if the anti-3 star base is already super difficult to lure then why does the junk buildings around the perimeter of a base have to be so close right along the edge of the walls? Wouldn't it be better to have it so that it is 2 spaces FARTHER away, so that means there is an extra second or two that loons would have to travel. This "make sure all junk buildings are closer" mindset is due to when TH9 bases were easy to lure and the fact an dropping an archer can 'anchor' the clan castle troop. But now that bases can be made to be unlurable, or waste alot of resource to lure, that means you don't need to cover everything on the outside.
If you are worry about it being more easier for the enemy to funnel in their kill squad, most likely they'll be coming in from the direction of your Queen, so you can easily just make the buildings closer to the wall on the queen side, and use my "Builder Hut Distraction" technique there. The more longer it takes for the loons to travel and help the lavas the better. The main points I see of having Archer Tower/Cannon 'covering' all the junk building is pointless at this point of base building.
Corner Builder Hut TH9
I know corner builder's hut is a TH8 thing, but if you think about it, it can actually work in a TH9 anti-3 star war base.
If the enemy usually brings Golem/Wiz + Heroes for the Cold Blooded Attack, and 15 around loons + the extra 4 lavas, having the corner builder's hut on the opposite side of the Queen could be beneficial since you know they aren't going to bring their kill squad into that location, meaning they have no need to 'anchor' your clan castle troops to that location. Since the fact that they are relying on pups to burst and kill all the buildings, it means the the pups will be within the base doing the work, the corner builder hut will remain untouched. This almost follows the dragon concept where they'll need to waste space in order to kill the builders hut.
Space is already tight for a Lavaloon Raid, making them forget to bring an archer for that builders hut, or having them bring an archer for that builders hut meaning it'll make an odd number ratio. Instead of bringing 4 wizards for funnel for example, they now would have to bring 3 wizards and 1 archer, and have 3 extra space.
This is almost another way to mess with the enemy since everyone learns 'to remember to kill the corner builder's hut' drilled into them. The fact that now people don't worry about corner builders hut, and you give them a builders hut but not at their ideal place and it offers no benefit to them, makes it even better.
This is my thought on having junk buildings farther apart and having the corner builders hut on the opposite side of the queen.