Hi there readers, akiyume here!
This isn't an actual release, but I'm just excited to talk about what my newest pages and ideas are. If you still haven't yet, read my latest page [Monica by Dreamz] under Kara Base Talk > under "Base Review", along with my other pages.
I have two main directions for which the new topics, FPC and TWC, then a guide for the mass.
I have two-four (unconfirmed) pages or topics I'm going to release:
[FPC vs TWC - The Climate of War Base Defenses]
When it comes to base designing at the higher tier levels, the requirements against what the bases needs to defend against is totally different. For FPC they have more flexibly for what bases types they can design, more diverse bases for the long run. While for TWCs that have traps sniffing Bunnies, they don't have the luxury, ans all bases have to be built strong. This page is not to defame any clans, but explain why base designs are different.
[Types of War Bases - To Defend What?]
When it comes to War Bases, there are many different types, not just TH8 or TH9 or anti-2 vs 'anti-3'. For example, A base that needs to defend against first attacks; a base that is strong as a whole; a base that can't be two starred (for th8 vs low th9). There are many types of War bases.
-removed (but still here if you want to read)-
[Anti - 3 Star: The Different Definitions and Type. Use the Correct One!]
Don't you just hate it when people say "Anti-3 star" but the base doesn't even have giant bombs or good at all but is slapped with that label? Isn't it confusing when you are talking about anti-3 star bases back in the day, but they think you are talking about what The Top Elite Bases that the best of the best uses? This page will help you and your teammates know the difference between the definition of anti-3 star and the type of base of anti-3 star. Almost like the similarity between Their, There, They're. The term is completely different.
and my biggest and I feel the best page since my [Divisions and Stages of TH9 War Bases].
[Developmental Chart of War Bases]*
[Development of War Base Requirements from TH8-TH10]
I'm going to say, if DSofTH9WB is the history timeline of making a base, this massive page is the big brother of teaching you how to make your war base fit what is needed. Ever want to build your anti-3 star TH9 base but since you are the only one, you need to defend against the two star as well? Ever build a base, but wondered why it won't work against Top Elites, but is considered "good enough" for most 3 star clans? This page will indicate all of what bases you need relevance to how many TH8/9/10s there are in your clan, and what your bases needs. This is a way better way of knowing everything to what your base needs.
Hopefully you guys like the new topics I've come up with, if there are anything else you want to include or improve, feel free to ask or comment.